
Good to You (for Solo Violin) [Sheet Music]


Physical copy of the sheet music mailed to you. 

Composer: Marcus Norris

Year: 2020

Instrumentation: Solo Violin

Duration: 4 minutes

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Physical copy of the sheet music mailed to you. 

Program Notes: ‘Good to You’ is somewhere in between “I promise to be good to you”, “Have I Not been good to you?”, and “Was it good to you?”
I wanted to make the performance feel as if the audience is hearing the soloist’s inner monologue spilling out. The music is like replaying fragments of past conversations, contemplating things you’ve said, things you should have said, and the right ways to say them once you get the chance. The tone ranges from sweetly soft to passionately loud, but it’s always with love.

– Marcus Norris

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Solo Violin Part